- The Selphyl proprietary gel separation technology resulted in the most consistent and reproducible PRP system in an independent comparison study from Stanford (Dragoo, et al.).
- Leukocyte poor and red blood cell free (Pure PRP) (Dragoo, et al.).
- Low blood draw (9-18ccs), short spin time (6 min), closed system preloaded with sodium citrate anticoagulant (no buffering required when using sodium citrate vs. ACD-A, Mishra, et al.).
- Selphyl has a long history of safety and efficacy; 4cc & 8cc PRP volumes with a 2-year shelf-life.
- FDA 510K Classification: BK170096.
Leukocyte-Poor Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
PRPs have the most published level I studies and meta-analysis supporting its use for some orthopedic applications. The Selphyl proprietary gel separation technology resulted in the most consistent and reproducible PRP system in an independent comparison study from Stanford (Dragoo, et al.).
Leukocyte poor and red blood cell free (Pure PRP) (Dragoo et al.).
Key Features
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A Broad Range of Retractor Sizes
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Documentation and Support
All necessary regulatory documentation, instructions for use, published studies, patient education tools, etc. (as applicable) can be provided upon request by contacting cs@spartanmedical.com or (888) 240-8091. We are available at any time to meet with providers and staff to answer any questions about Spartan Medical’s entire portfolio of advanced medical solutions.